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5 Fun Activities to Do with Maltese Dog

Welcoming a Maltese dog into one’s home can be one of the most rewarding experiences. These furry little companions are more than just lap dogs; they thrive on engagement and play. While their small stature makes them perfect for cuddles and snuggles, there’s a lot more that can be enjoyed with this breed. They adore interactive activities that not only keep them physically active but also mentally stimulated.


Want to know what kinds of activities can bring joy to a Maltese? Here are some ideas that can be shared between a Maltese and their human, making every day an adventure.

  • Play Fetch Indoors: Given their diminutive size, Maltese dogs are perfectly suited for indoor games of fetch. An owner can start with a small, soft toy that the dog can easily pick up. Clear a bit of space in the living room, and a Maltese will be more than happy to chase after their favorite toy.
  • Puzzle Toys: Maltese dogs are quite intelligent and cannot resist a challenge. Puzzle toys that hide treats or small kibble are perfect to keep their mind sharp. There are various types available in pet stores that range from basic to advanced to suit different levels.
  • Training Sessions: Despite their cuddly appearance, Maltese dogs excel in training sessions, particularly those involving positive reinforcement like treats and praise. Teaching them new tricks can be fun for both the dog and the owner. They can learn to sit, stay, roll over, and much more.
  • Walks in the Park: Even small dogs like Maltese need regular exercise. Taking them on daily walks in the park allows them to explore the sights and smells of the outdoors. It’s also a great opportunity for socialization with other dogs and people.
  • Pampering Spa Day: Maltese dogs have lovely, long coats that require regular grooming. Why not turn a routine grooming session into a pampering spa day? Use gentle shampoos and brushes, followed by a little playtime, to make grooming a pleasurable experience for both the dog and the owner.

Remember, the key to keeping a Maltese happy is engaging them in activities that combine both fun and learning. By incorporating some of these fun activities into the daily routine, it helps strengthen the bond and ensures a healthy, happy pup.

Playful Fetch Games

Fetching is more than just a game; it’s also a great way to bond and exercise with a Maltese dog. Here are some fun ideas for keeping fetch lively and exciting:

  • Classic Fetch
    Stick with the traditional fetch game using a lightweight ball or toy. It’s perfect for the Maltese’s small size. To keep it interesting, vary the throw distances and angles.
  • Hide and Seek Fetch
    Mix things up by hiding the toy and encouraging the dog to find it. Start with easy spots and gradually make it more challenging, rewarding with treats when they locate the toy.
  • Fetch with Obstacles
    Create a mini obstacle course using household items like pillows, boxes, and chairs. Toss the toy, and let the Maltese navigate through or over the obstacles to retrieve it.
  • Water Fetch
    For those warmer days, consider throwing floating toys into shallow water. Most Maltese enjoy a little splash and will love the twist on their usual game. Remember to keep the water shallow and supervised.
  • Nighttime Fetch
    Use glow-in-the-dark or LED toys for a safe and fun way to play fetch after the sun goes down. It adds an element of novelty and ensures playtime isn’t restricted to daylight hours.
  • Tug-and-Fetch Combo
    Throw a tug toy and let the Maltese bring it back for a brief tug-of-war match before you toss it again. This adds a bit of strength training while keeping the game more interactive.
  • Fetch Races
    Get a friend or family member to participate. Have both of you stand at different ends and take turns calling the dog after throwing the toy. It helps with the Maltese’s recall training and adds excitement.

Remember to always keep play sessions short and sweet. Too much vigorous activity can be overwhelming for a small breed like the Maltese. Always watch for signs of fatigue and offer plenty of water breaks.

Interactive Training Sessions

Maltese dogs are super smart and absolutely love learning new tricks. Interactive training sessions are a fantastic way to keep them mentally stimulated and strengthen the bond between owner and dog. These sessions don’t just have to be about basic obedience; they can be full of fun activities.

Clicker Training

  • Why Clicker? It’s a great positive reinforcement tool. Dogs get to associate the clicking sound with rewards.
  • Quick Tips:
    • Start small. Reward simple behaviors like sitting or lying down.
    • Keep sessions short and sweet to maintain your Maltese’s interest.

Hide and Seek

  • Basic Rules:
    • Have the dog sit and stay.
    • Hide somewhere in the house and call for your Maltese.
  • Why It’s Fun: It makes use of their natural sniffing abilities and provides exercise.

Puzzle Toys

  • What to Use: Try puzzle toys that dispense treats or kibble.
  • Benefits: Keeps your Maltese engaged and stimulated while also giving them a reward for their efforts.
  • Pro Tips:
    • Start with simpler puzzles and gradually increase the difficulty level.
    • Monitor to ensure they don’t get too frustrated.

Trick Training

  • Fun Tricks to Teach:
    • Spin in a circle.
    • Play dead.
    • High five.
  • How to Start:
    • Use treats and break the trick down into smaller steps.
    • Be patient; not every dog learns at the same pace.

Fetch with a Twist

  • Twist It Up: Instead of the usual fetch game, incorporate commands like “drop it” or “give.”
  • Why It Works: It ensures the dog not only gets physical exercise but also follows through on obedience commands.

Group Classes

  • Social Benefit: Being around other dogs can be a bonus.
  • Where to Look: Check out local pet stores or community centers for class offerings.
  • What You’ll Need: Basic supplies like a leash, treats, and lots of enthusiasm.

Interactive training doesn’t have to be boring or strictly regimented. Add a touch of creativity and keep those tails wagging!

Exciting Outdoor Adventures

The Maltese dog, despite its small size, is full of energy and eager for outdoor escapades. Engage your furry friend in some thrilling outdoor activities that are not just fun but also healthy for your pet.

1. Walking and Hiking

Walking is a quintessential activity that every dog loves. Explore different routes to keep things interesting for both the owner and the dog. For those who enjoy nature, hiking can be an excellent option. Trails that are well-shaded and not too harsh are perfect for a Maltese dog.

2. Dog Parks

Dog parks are a fabulous place for socializing. The Maltese canine enjoys interacting with other dogs and humans alike. Owners can bring toys and treats to make the park visit even more engaging. Make sure the park is well-fenced to keep the little adventurer safe.

3. Beach Adventures

Many Maltese dogs love the water. A trip to the beach can be exhilarating. Let the dog run on the sand, chase waves, or enjoy a swim if it’s comfortable doing so. Always supervise to ensure safety, and don’t forget to rinse off the salty water afterward.

4. Picnics in the Park

Transform a regular day into a fun adventure with a picnic in the park. Bring a blanket, some toys, and dog-friendly snacks. The change of scenery can be refreshing and exciting for a Maltese dog. Parks often have open spaces where the dog can run and play.

5. Outdoor Games

Games like fetch, tug-of-war, or even a simple game of chase can be incredibly enjoyable for a Maltese dog. Use lightweight toys that are easy for them to carry. Interactive games will keep the dog physically active and mentally stimulated.

Always keep an eye on the weather. Maltese dogs are sensitive to extreme temperatures.

Owners should ensure that their Maltese is well-hydrated and has access to shade or cooler areas during these outdoor adventures. These activities not only provide physical exercise but also allow the Maltese to engage their senses and instincts, making for a happy and healthy companion.

Fun DIY Toys and Puzzles

Welcome to the world of DIY toys and puzzles for your Maltese! Making fun activities at home can keep these little furballs entertained and mentally stimulated.

DIY Toys

Sock Ball

Old socks make great toys. Just roll one into a ball and secure it with another sock tied at the end. Add a few treats inside for extra fun!

  • Materials: Old socks, treats
  • Instructions: Roll one sock into a ball, place treats inside if desired, and secure it with another sock tied like a bow.

Tug Toy

Cut an old t-shirt into long strips, braid them together, and knot the ends. Perfect for a game of tug!

  • Materials: Old t-shirt
  • Instructions: Cut the t-shirt into strips, braid the strips together, and knot the ends securely.

DIY Puzzles

Treat Dispenser

Use an empty toilet paper roll. Fill it with treats, fold the ends, and let your Maltese figure out how to get the goodies.

  • Materials: Toilet paper roll, treats
  • Instructions: Fill the roll with treats, fold in the ends to trap the treats, and challenge your dog to extract them.

Muffin Tin Game

Place treats in a muffin tin and cover each cup with a tennis ball or a similar item. Watch your dog sniff out the treats under the balls.

  • Materials: Muffin tin, treats, tennis balls
  • Instructions: Put a treat in each muffin cup, cover with a tennis ball, and let your Maltese find the treats.

Helpful Tips

  1. Supervision: Always supervise your pet while playing with DIY toys to ensure safety.
  2. Materials: Use non-toxic and pet-safe materials.
  3. Change It Up: Rotate toys and puzzles to keep things fresh and interesting for your Maltese.
DIY toys are not only budget-friendly but also a great way to recycle old household items while bonding with your dog.

Making these simple, yet fun toys and puzzles can provide endless joy and mental stimulation for your adorable Maltese. Just grab some old household items and get crafting!

Social Playdates and Dog Park Visits

Dog owners know that Maltese dogs are social butterflies. They crave interactions not just with humans but also with their canine counterparts. Arranging social playdates or visiting dog parks can be a delightful activity for both the owner and their Maltese friend.

Benefits of Social Playdates

  • Socialization Skills: Playdates help Maltese dogs develop crucial social skills. They learn how to interact with different dog breeds and sizes.
  • Burning Energy: These spunky pups have a lot of energy. Running and playing with other dogs is a fantastic way to tire them out, ensuring a night of peaceful sleep.
  • Mental Stimulation: New environments and playmates provide mental challenges that keep the Maltese engaged and happy.

Organizing a Playdate

  1. Find Like-Minded Owners:
    • Join local dog groups on social media platforms. Check community boards for upcoming dog meetups.
  2. Choose a Location:
    • The backyard is perfect for first-time meetups. It’s safe and familiar. For regular playdates, consider local dog-friendly parks.
  3. Bring Toys and Treats:
    • Toys like balls or chew toys can make the playdate more enjoyable. Treats also serve as rewards and can help in training moments.

Visiting Dog Parks

  • Find a Reputable Park: Search for parks known for cleanliness and a friendly dog community.
  • Observe Before Entering: Make sure the other dogs at the park are well-behaved. Notice if their owners are attentive.
  • Pack Essentials:
    • Bring water, a portable bowl, waste bags, and a leash. Hydration is essential after running around.
  • Safety First: Always keep an eye on your dog. Watch for signs of tiredness, aggression, or any discomfort.

Interaction Tips

  • Gradual Introductions: Ideally, let your Maltese get comfortable in the environment before interacting with multiple dogs.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Always praise and reward your dog for good behavior. This encourages positive interactions in the future.
  • Respect Boundaries: If your Maltese seems overwhelmed or tired, respect their need for a break.

With proper planning and a little effort, social playdates and dog park visits can be a joyous, enriching experience for Maltese dogs and their owners alike. These activities not only keep them physically active but also mentally stimulated and socially adept.

Relaxing Cuddle Time and Bonding Activities

When it’s time for some relaxation, nothing beats a cozy cuddle session with a Maltese dog. These moments are perfect for strengthening the bond between dog and owner. Here are a few ideas for making the most of cuddle time and other bonding activities:

1. Snuggle Up on the Couch

Spend some quality time lounging together on the couch. Toss a soft blanket over both of you, and let the relaxation take over. This downtime is perfect for watching TV, reading a book, or even enjoying a quick nap together.

2. Massage and Gentle Petting

Maltese dogs enjoy gentle massages and affectionate petting. Slowly run your hands over their fur, giving particular attention to their back, shoulders, and behind the ears. This not only feels good to them but also promotes relaxation and stress relief.

3. Listening to Calming Music

Create a soothing playlist and let the gentle tunes set a peaceful ambiance. Whether it’s classical music, nature sounds, or soft instrumental tunes, both you and your Maltese can enjoy the calming effects of the melodies.

4. Grooming Sessions

Grooming is another fantastic way to bond. Take your time brushing their fur, ensuring you’re gentle and calm throughout the process. Many Maltese dogs love the sensation of being brushed and will appreciate the attention and care.

5. Evening Walks

A leisurely evening walk can be a relaxing end to the day. The cool air and gentle activity are perfect for winding down. Take a slow-paced stroll around the neighborhood to let your Maltese explore and sniff to their heart’s content.

6. Storytime

Dedicate a part of your day to reading aloud while your Maltese snuggles next to you. The sound of your voice, combined with the warmth of your presence, can be incredibly soothing for them.

7. Aromatherapy

Introduce your Maltese to calming scents like lavender or chamomile. Use a pet-safe diffuser to fill your space with these relaxing aromas. Ensure the oils are safe and dilute them appropriately before use.

These activities not only provide a sense of security and comfort to your Maltese but also create cherished moments of togetherness. Embrace these simple bonding activities to deepen your connection in the most soothing way possible.


Engaging in fun activities with a Maltese dog is not only a great way to bond, but it also ensures that the little furry friend stays happy and healthy. Whether it’s playing hide and seek, going on outdoor adventures, or enjoying a spa day, there are tons of ways to provide entertainment and exercise for a Maltese.

They thrive on companionship and participation in activities that involve their favorite people. Ensuring that the activities cater to their size and temperament helps keep them safe and happy.

Remember, a happy Maltese is an active one. By incorporating a mix of physical and mental stimulation, owners can promote a balanced lifestyle for their pet. Each activity not only brings joy to the Maltese but also strengthens the special bond between pet and owner.

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